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Model for implementing the Balanced Scorecard in company service: a case study in the company Gestão Sistemas de Informação PDF
Éder Claudio Bastos, Francisco Antonio Bezerra, Gilton Paulo da Silva, Jefferson Fabrício Floriano
AMR System - Based Computer Vision and Wireless Communication PDF
Jorge R. Beingolea G., Carlos R. P. Dionisio, Sergio T. Kofuji, Tadayoshi Tiba
ICT GOVERNANCE FRAMEWORKS AND SLA FOR VOIP OVER WIFI SERVICES: Comparing the frameworks ITIL, COBIT and ISO / IEC 20.001 to define and manage service level agreements to VOIP services on WLAN IEEE 802.11. PDF
Fauzi de Moraes Shubeita, Antonio José Balloni
Partnerships and Evasion in Distance Education Programmes Sponsored by the Brazilian Army PDF
Ana Alice Vilas Boas, Arnaldo de Carvalho Filho, Thair Hamtini
Factors that Determine the Choice of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP) in Small and Medium Companies: A Study Using Factor Analysis PDF
Gilberto Perez, Fernando Luis Cazarotto Berlezzi, Marcio Moura da Silva, Murilo Alves de Souza
Smart System of Support Decision to Improvement of Performance of Electric System of Companhia Energética de Brasília Distribuição PDF
Ricardo Luiz Barros Leite Campos, Lourdes M. Brasil, Fernando Monteiro de Figueiredo, Jair Alves Barbosa, Candido Guerreiro Salgado, Vilson Carlos Hartmann, Jose Henrique de O. Vilela
Everaldo Leonel de Oliveira, Giseli Spessatto, Francisco Antonio Bezerra
Management controls used in the management of carbon credits in rice companies of Rio Grande do Sul PDF
Ilse Maria Beuren, Adriana Kroenke, Fabiano Termus dos Santos
Evaluation risks credit in the concession loans for natural persons in a cooperative textile credit with use a modelo credit scoring: model golden PDF
Nelson Hein, Nadia Mar Bogoni, Francisco Carlos Fernandes
The importance of the SI to reduce the social risk in transit PDF
Gloria Jesus de Oliveira, Paulo Cezar Martins Ribeiro, Ana Alice Vilas Boas
Strategic information management: analisys and proposal improvement at small enterprises in services sector PDF
Aline Grasiele C. de Brito, Edmundo Escrivão Filho
The process of building the education portal of the Brazilian army PDF
Sandra de Azevedo Silva, Ana Alice Vilas Boas, Gloria Jesus de Oliveira
Control of social actions in higher educational institutions for the renewal of the Charity and Social Assistance Entity Certificate PDF
Ilse Maria Beuren, Delci Tamanini
Strategic management tools for high-tech entrepreneurs: uniform tools and different perceptions PDF
André Rosenfeld Rosas, Felipe Mendes Borini, Edison Polo, Antonio Carlos Aidar Sauaia
Management of electronic files with web tool collaborative in a business of journalism: advancing shared folder PDF
Marcello Peixoto Bax, Josmária L. R. de Oliveira, Daniel Mendes Barbosa
The organizational communication in the teleworking system in an information technology organization PDF
André Fernandes Bernardino, Bruna Cecília Amador, Maria Alexandra Cunha
Cardiovascular parameters comparison between single and multi-players virtual gamers PDF
Grassyara Tolentino, Alam Carlos Ventura, Claudio Battaglini, Luciana Santos de Oliveira, Alessandra Bastos Matida, Ricardo Jacó de Oliveira
Directory services with openldap: a production environment's migration case PDF
João Paulo de Lima Barbosa, Olavo José Luiz Junior, Alessandro Kraemer, Giovani Motter
Analyzing the process of number portability of code of access in brazil under the optics of the telephony´s network PDF
Flamaryon G. G. Borges, Márcio Aurélio R. Moreira, Reginaldo Rosa Carvalho, Rogério M. Ferreira
Artificial intelligence systems applied to accounting, auditing and finance PDF
Artur Filipe Ewald Wuerges, José Alonso Borba
The information technology role in the logistics process: case studies with Third Party Logistics PDF
Regina Meyer Branski, Fernando José Barbin Laurindo
The profile of the support offered by the brazilian incubators to the incubated companies PDF
Fabiano Maury Raupp, Ilse Maria Beuren
A computerized prototype to support knowledge audit into organizations PDF
Alonso Perez-Soltero, Gerardo Sanchez-Schmitz, Mario Barcelo-Valenzuela
Impact of the technologies web 2.0 in the small and medium companies of software in venezuela PDF
Daniel Rojas Rivero, Darwin Omar Romero Artigas, Luis Eduardo Mathison Bonaguro
Knowledge management: an important resource for the strategic intelligence PDF
Fabiana Benedetti, Raquel Janissek-Muniz
Headquarters-subsidiary and subsidiary-headquarter knowledge transfer mechanisms in Brazilian multinationals PDF
Felipe Mendes Borini, Moacir de Miranda Oliveira Junior
Organizational learning and Senge's Five Disciplines: A research on the Florianópolis/SC Air Force Military Band PDF
Déris Oliveira Caitano, Dante Girardi, Betovem Dias, Kelly Benetti
Representation of legal knowledge through ontologies: exercise in electronic government PDF
Edson Rosa Gomes da Silva, Sonali Paula Molin Bedin, Thiago Paulo Silva de Oliveira, Hugo Cesar Hoeschl, Aires Jose Rover
Adoption of controlling of cost by municipalities catarinenses, according to the fiscal responsibility law PDF
Michele Patricia Roncalio, Altair Borgert, Luiz Alberton, Edair do Amaral
Risk management in the strategic projects in the State of Minas Gerais - Analysis of the main characteristics and improvement possibilities PDF
Luísa Cardoso Barreto, Mauro César da Silveira
ITIL and security management in a large industrial organization PDF
Vivaldo José Breternitz, Francisco Navarro Neto, Alexandre Franco Navarro
ECDSA (Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm) PDF
Flamaryon G. G. Borges, Márcio Aurélio R. Moreira, Rogério M. Ferreira
The taxonomy used in financial statements disclosure based on XBRL language PDF
Tatiana Lopes Nonato Trindade, Suelton Araújo Costa, Marisa Brascher

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